Saturday, October 24, 2015

Instagram flirts with animations with Boomerang App

Boomerang isn't a new idea and I do not know why they even tried a stunt like this after Apple Photos debuted with lukewarm reception.

Being first to spin off a social phenomena seems to do wonders to your stock listings but for Instagram, having more gimmicky apps seems to be the order of the day.

So far, Instagram has only made one useful and innovative app, Hyperlapse, which unfortunately will not make it to Android because they don't believe they can give that same experience as on the iPhone. Then they had collage type app called Layout, which is nice to have if you want to segment your frame into multiple tiny frames which had nonsensical consequences since the square format in those days didn't quite allow for frames which contained too many images.

Finally, you have Boomerang, which is a virtual copy of what Apple Live Photos could do but only for a few seconds shorter second. All it does is mash ten photos together to make a video and you have....Boomerang....which repeats it over and over again like those live picture frames you see on Harry Potter movies.

You can share these photos as they are mashed into little movie, through Facebook or Instagram but these live movies are not GIFS.

WTH is Wrong with GIFS?

Apparently someone else has beat Instagram to the GIF animation service. There is GIF Boom, a GIF sharing social network where people show off their insanity. GIF is the defacto animation format for Tumblr users too and Google+ also support GIF files but NOT Facebook.

Why is Facebook so uptight about not allowing GIF animations? Maybe because Tumblr is more successful at it?

So what else is new?

Have you heard of Phhhoto app for Android and iPhone? It works the same way as Boomerang though but hey, who cares if you have Instagram as the core for social sharing right?

Phhhoto does the same thing, and a lot of the content there are selfies, or art, lasting one second.

Now I know about having your own one second of fame on social media but trust me, it does nothing to increase your credit rating or earn you a dollar in the process.

Boomerang is just for Fun

And there is no denying this.Bored people who spend all their time on Instagram searching for amusement will find you amusing enough to spend a second or more on your post. But for celebrities who want to keep their name in circulation, Instagram is the go to place for fame and fortune.

Model turned actor Cara Delevingne may not be as successful as Taylor Swift when it comes to Instagram followers but she has over 21 million people eyeballing her content every now and then. For brands, that is a god send.

Boomerang would fit in well with that sort of content scope, as Cara is very fond of being weird and amusing on her feed.For the rest of you, decide if you want to amuse an audience like PewDiePie, then by all means, Boomerang would do great.

Mobile photography buffs on the other hand will do well to stay clear of this.


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